UN Official warns against coverup of COVID-19 in Yemen

UN Official warns against coverup of COVID-19 in Yemen
UN Official warns against coverup of COVID-19 in Yemen

Alsahwa Net-The UN Humanitarian Coordinator, Lise Grande to Yemen, cautioned on Saturday against coverup of the rapid COVID-19 outbreak in Yemen.

She said that the concealment affects negatively the situation assessment and the need to provide the required assistance.

Grande said this during a virtual online meeting with the Prime Minister, Maeen Abdulmalik, the UN Special Envoy to Yemen, Martin Griffiths and the World Health Organization (WHO) Representative to Yemen, Altaf Musani.  

Grande appreciated the government’s transparency on the epidemic when it reported the COVID-19 injected cases.

She said that this openness will assist at taking proper actions.

“The coverup or absence of true information affects the international community’s assessment about the serious situation and the need to provide the required assistance,” said Grande.

She said that the UN will collaborate with the government to list Yemen on top of priorities of international assistance to respond to the COVID-19.

She indicated that the upcoming assistance to Yemen for the next period will match the government’s priorities and the actual needs on the ground.

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